31 March 2008

movies i wanna see this year!

so, finally after 18 years we'll see a new indiana jones movie! yay! can't wait for it! i mean, indy's one of the reasons why i decided to study archeology... whoopidooo!

and who would've thought, that this movie'd actually get to the cinemas this year? yes, i'm talking about mr. "i'm so cool and a genius and i can...'t fly". but even though he thinks he's the coolest guy of em all, i wanna see the movie. it seems to have style. and it's marvel, which means, that it has to be good! and... for everyone who still hasn't got any idea what i'm talking about: the movie this widget is about is iron man!

aaaand another one: i was hoping for this sequel but didn't know they'd actually make one! whee (^_^)

weird. i actually liked the ang lee version of this... well, we'll see if this one's better (^.^)

it's really sad, that heath died. but at least he's left some movies everyone'll remember! like this one - maybe? i really loved the first one, so let's hope, the second one gets at least as good as the first one (*.*)